The quiz below may seem alot of words to type in, but there are only 33. And it really is worth the effort. You should get quite a funny (rather than scary) story at the end. So use your imagination.

Enter your suggestions for the required 33 words below. Then hit the 'STORY BUTTON' for your very own story.

Please ensure you have filled in all fields. Don't use punctuation or spaces. Words must be less than 20 letters long.

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A place (e.g. London, Spain)
A colour
A type of fluid
Name of male
Name of female
3 parts of the body

3 adjectives (an adjective is a describing word, e.g. high, rubbery)

2 verbs (a verb is a doing word)
-ing verb, e.g. running, looking
infinitive verb, (without 'to')
e.g. to run, to look

18 nouns (a noun is the name of something, e.g. chair, sky)

2 plural nouns (more than one, e.g. chairs, clouds)