A few quotes I've collected off the TV and magazines

It takes time to do things now,
It's more expensive to do things cheaply,
And it's more democratic to do things in secret.
The difference in the two major political parties' defence policy is that Liberal's policy is – "Yes sir. Absolutely sir. We'll handle it on this end", while Labour's policy is – "Yes sir. Absolutely sir. Bob'll handle it on this end". The National Party's defence policy is to attack New Zealand.
The difference in the two major political parties' policies is on page 478 Labour has a full stop, while Liberal has a semicolon.

And on Nuclear weapons, Labour's policy is BANG, while Liberal's policy is whoosh, vapourised – they say it has a more family feel to it.
Danger Mouse was a British cartoon that was produced between 1981 and 1987. Some of the voices were supplied by the brilliant David Jason, and I collected quotes from the series. Here they are...

Will there be a cavity, where DM lost to the force of gravity?
Will there be a dent,
where he went?

To find out tune in to the next installing enthrallment
Look out for the next knee tingling episode of...
I can't see where I'm crashing, I mean going
The crafts collide and our hero
finds that Nero is providing him with zero vision
Now stay tuned for the final imposing epicycle of...
Watch out for another admonishing indenture of Danger Mouse
dimwitted, desperately deluded duo
Baker Street, London. And behind the stout cardboard walls of a typical Ministry of Defense decoy letterbox, the world's greatest secret agent and his assistant, the world's most obvious coward.
Baron Greenback, the world's greatest evil genius, has made his headquarters in a rent controlled gothic castle where, in the darkest dampest dungeon he is demonstrating his deviously dangerous device designed to destine the dubious double dealer with world domination.
Watch out for the next exciting, invigorating, cotton wool-packed adventure of...
Now stay tuned for another espiting exipode of...
I'm not under arrest,
he's having a rest
Can DM pull out, bail out
or flake out,
watch out for the next equally unlikely episode
Can Danger Mouse
with charm and style,
smile and beguile
the hostile reptile a while?
So he can do a quick nick
of the mystic stick?

To find out what makes Duckula jocular stay tuned for...
I'm only doing this because I'm allergic to Sudden Death
hopeless hamster
Go forth? Who's the other three?
"So you're behind this."
"He was signore, now we're in front of it."
It will transmit my irrestable voice through every radio, television set, record player and mains powered sandwich toaster in the world.
Now. If that's the phase loop rectifier, and that's the PF discriminator, then that must be a plastic clothes peg.
Penfold... shush
A few odd quotes from and about Doctor Who

Close your eyes my dear, well, three of them at least.
They say the evil one eats babies.
Some of my best friends are human.
Doctor Who addict – if found unconscious please adminster two jelly babies and take to the nearest Police Public Call Box.
Well, I was on my way to this gay gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled when I suddenly thought: gosh the third reich's a bit rubbish, I think I'll kill the Führer