Created in Harlesden, North London

Created in the kitchen at Ovingham, South Australia

Recently a member located stainless steel grease nipples at Tecalemit Australasia.

Upon hearing about practical applications for these items Kevin Ashby of that company donated sufficient nipples to replace the ones liable to corrosion on the club slipping cradles, saving hundreds of dollars in corrosion

Tecalemit is a major supplier of many diverse lubrication equipment, vehicle lifts, and garage equipment. The club records its thanks to the company for its generosity.

Created in Adelaide University

This is from the "Rubble" in about 1987, during a period where I was obsessed with Snarks (from The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis Carroll). I even ran a couple of snark hunts. But it is well known you can never catch a snark (even with the aid of a bathing machine), because they are boojums.

This headline was lifted from an Adelaide paper and only slightly altered).
This is an actually headline that I've scanned in.
I wonder in which juridiction this happens.

Fun for all the family.

The juxtaposition of this headline and picture is real.
Scanned in unaltered.

Unfortunate? Or editorial commentary?