Ruche n. Frill or gathering of lace, etc, as trimming.

Ulema n. (Member of) body of Moslem doctors of sacred law and theology.

Secco n. Painting on dry plaster with pigments suspended in water.

Sound post n. Small prop between belly and back of some stringed instruments.

Numismatology n. Study of coins, coinage or related things (medals, etc).

Farthingale n. Hooped petticoat or stiff curved roll to extend woman's skirt.

Firedamp n. Miner's name for methane.

Soutane n. Cassock of RC priest.

Groyne (or Groin in US) n; vt. Timber framework or low, broad wall run out to check drifting of beach or to stop encroachment of sea; supply with groynes.

Aaron's rod n. Popular name for several tall plants, esp a mullein (Verbascum thapsus).

Buckram n; a. Coarse linen or cloth stiffened with gum or paste; stiff in manner.

Estreat n; vt. (Make) copy of court record for use in prosecution; enforcement of fine.

Flèche n. Slender spire with windows, esp. at intersection of name and transept.

Osier n. (Shoot of) species of willow, esp. Salex Niminalis, used in basket work.

Niello n. Black composition of sulphur with Pb, Ag or Cu for filling engraved lines in silver or other metal; (specimen of) such ornamental work.

Chid a; p.p. Chided.

Lustral a. Of or pertaining to purification ceremony.

Cadastral a. Of or showing extent, value and ownership, of land for taxation.

Hecatomb n. Great public sacrifice (originally of 100 oxen).

Brad n. Flat, thin, small-head nail.

Lurcher n. Cross between collie or sheep dog and greyhound.

Guerdon n. (Poet.) Award, recompense.

Cresset n. (Hist.) Metal vessel for holiday oil, coal, etc, for light, usu. mounted on pole.

Tranche n. Portion, esp. of income, or block of shares.

Words from a fortnight's Times/Sunday Times crosswords.

or at least didn't

This is a list of words I didn't know when I came upon them (from 2004 onwards). I may have had a good guess at what they meant, but actually did not know their meaning. I will be updating this list periodically.

lubricious adj. 1. lewd. 2. smooth and slippery with oil or grease. COD
etiolated adj. (of a plant) pale and weak due to a lack of light. COD
encomium n. a speech or piece of writing expressing praise. COD
myrmidons n. a hired ruffian or unscrupulous subordinate. COD
a person who is self-indulgently fond of sensuous luxury. COD
crepitating crepitate v. make a crackling sound. COD
aegis n. 1. the protection, backing or support of someone. 2. (in classical art and mythology) an attribute of certain gods represented as a goatskin shield. COD
Quislings quisling n. a traitor collaborating with an occupying force. COD
crepuscular adj. of, resembling, or relating to twilight. COD
mellifluous adj. pleasingly smooth and musical to hear. COD
cotters cottar (also cotter) n. (in Scotland and Ireland) a farm labourer or tenant occupying a cottage in return for labour.
(compare with cottager: n. a person living in a cottage.) COD
purblind adj. 1. having impaired or defective vision. 2. dim-witted. COD
kipple n. the sinister type of rubbish which simply builds up without any human intervention. Philip K Dick
harlican n. no meaning? Thomas Hardy (Jude the Obscure)
pellucid adj. 1. transparent or translucent. 2. extremely clear in style and meaning. COL
ogee dome n. Archit. a pointed dome having a cross section in the form of a letter S. COL
homologated homologate  v. to approve, especially to confirm officially. D.C
traduced traduce  v. to speak badly or maliciously of. COL
soi-disant French. adj. so-called; self-styled. COL
ichor n. 1. Greek myth. the fluid said to flow in the veins of the gods. 2. Pathol. a foul-smelling watery discharge from a wound of ulcer. COL
hale adj. healthy and robust (esp in "hale and hearty"). 2. v. to pull or drag. COL
n. uncontrollable or incoherent talkativeness. COL
involutions involution  n. 1. the act of involving; the state of being involved. 2. intricacy; complexity. 3. something, such as a long grammatical construction, that is intricate or complex. D.C
peroration n. the conclusion of a speech or discourse, in which points made previously are summed up. COL
lenticular adj. 1. shaped like a biconvex lens. 2. of or concerned with a lens or lenses. 3. shaped like a lentil seed. COL
French. pl.
adj. unfulfilled; potential; would-be. (the manager is an actor manqué). COL
gamine n. a slim and boyish girl or young woman; an elfish tomboy. COL
pomiary Polish. measurements Google Translate
louche adj. of questionable taste or morality; decadent. D.C
vernissage n. a preview or the opening or the first day of an exhibition of paintings. COL
arriviste n. a person who is unscrupulously ambitious. COL

"aphoristic bon mots"
aphorism  n. a short pithy saying expressing a general truth; maxim.
bon mots  n. pl. clever and fitting remarks. COL
fug n. Chief Brit. a hot, stale, or suffocating atmosphere. COL
ineluctable adj. (esp. of fate) incapable of being avoided; inescapable. COL
sui generis adj. unique. COL
n. belief in or the perception of purposeful development toward an end, as in nature or history; the study or use of this. D.C
roué n. a debauched or lecherous man; rake. COL
surtout n. a man's overcoat resembling a frock coat, popular in the late 19th century. COL
uxorious adj. excessively attached to or dependent on one's wife. COL
undinism n. Med. a condition in which sexual thoughts are aroused by water, urine, and urination. CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary
chanteuse n. a female singer, esp. in a nightclub or cabaret. COL
finical adj. finicky. D.C
exigent adj. 1. urgent; pressing. 2. exacting; demanding. COL
denouement n. 1. the clarification or resolution of a plot in a play or other work. 2. final outcome; solution. COL

v. to use equivocal language, esp. to avoid speaking directly or honestly.
equivocal adj. 1. capable of varying interpretations; ambiguous. 2. deliberately misleading or vague. 3. of doubtful character or sincerity. COL
contretemps n. 1. an awkward or difficult situation or mishap. 2. a small disagreement that is rather embarrassing. COL
abstruse adj. not easy to understand. COL
waldoes waldo  n. a gadget for manipulating objects by remote control. COL
corpulence n. the condition of being excessively fat; obesity. COL
barratry n. 1. (archaic) fraud or gross negligence on the part of a ship's master or crew at the expense of its owners or users. 2. (law) vexatious litigation or incitement to it. 3. (historical) trade in the sale of Church or state appointments. COD
erinaceous adj. of the hedgehog kind or family. D.C

n. an act or instance of nodding one's head, esp. involuntarily or spasmodically. D.C

n. a change in circumstance or fortune, typically for the worse. COD

ontic adj. (philosophy) of or relating to entities and the facts about them.
ontology n. the branch of metaphysics concerned with the nature of being. COL
v. give or ascribe value or validity to. Artifically raise or fix the price or value of. COD
haptic adj. of or relating to the sense of touch. COD
v. (chiefly zoology & botany) arrange in an overlapping manner like roof tiles. COD
mimesis n. 1. imitative representation of the real world in art and literature. 2. the deliberate imitation of the behaviour of one group of people by another as a factor in social change. COD
métier n. 1. a trade, profession, or occupation. 2. an outstanding or advantageous characteristic. SOURCE

COD  Concise Oxford Dictionary
COL  Collins Dictionary
I work in the farmstead of the Farr people.

To travel home I cross the Bridge belonging to the local friars.

I ride south to the farmstead of the New people, which has a pub.

From there south west, through the farmstead of Ken's people, where they play cricket.

Past the animal's drinking hole, through the hamlets of Clap and Bal to my house on the stream next to the Toots.

The above uses the meaning of the the London place names of Farringdon, Blackfriars, Newington (commonly known as Elephant & Castle), Kennington (commonly know as Oval), Stockwell, Clapham, Balham, Tooting Bec.

Lester Square (Leicester Square)

Marly Bone (Marylebone)

Hoe Bun (Holborn)

To' Num Court Road (Tottenham Court Road)