World Map 1999
When I first started travelling I started drawing maps of where I've been.

World Map 2008
Pretty quickly I turned my world map into a version of a metro/subway/tube map. This one is the last of these.

World Map 2015
Then when the metro map got ridiculous I changed to this new style. This is the latest.

10x10 World Map (2022)
This world map is divided into 10° by 10° quadrants. Each quadrant is marked with the most populace city/town.
I have coloured each quadrant I have visited – green if I have visited the featured city, yellow if I have visited the quadrant, but not the city.

Latin American travel
A geographic view of all the travel I've done in Latin America.

Iberian travel
A geographic view of all the travel I've done in Spain and Portugal.

German travel
A geographic view of all the travel I've done in Germany.

Amsterdam stays
A map of all the places that I have stayed in Amsterdam over the years, up to 2023. Although this does not represent every visit, as I've stayed on Raadhuisstraat about a dozen times.

Countries that I've visited
A Facebook thing

Are you a hard core traveller? See how you score on the Frederik's rating.
  1. 1 point for each country you have been.
    You cannot count countries where you didn't leave the airport or just "wandered around until the next bus/train arrived".
    Scotland and England are both part of the UK, and count as one only. You can't count the Vatican.
  2. 2 points for each continent you have been on.
    You must have left the airport. Score 4 points for Antartica.
  3. 3 points if you have been a 'runner' (trainspotter) for a hostel.
  4. 2 points for each time you have had to renew a passport as you had filled up the old one.
  5. 2 points for each time you have checked into Frederik's.
  6. 5 points for each time you have gone completely around the globe.
  7. 2 points each if you have ever been to India or China. Not counting Hong Kong or Macau.
  8. 4 points if you have been to more than 3 African nations.
  9. 3 points if you have been to more than 5 American states.
    If you are American you can only score these points if you have lived in more than 5 states.
  10. 3 points if have even been outside your native country for more than a year at once.
    Add a point for each extra year.
  11. 2 points if you have ever hitchhiked from one country to another.
  12. 2 points if you have even slept in a train station.
    Not in your native country.
Average score in Frederik's (1999) 27 points
Acb (1999) 19 points
Acb (2004) 36 points
Acb (2009) 52 points
Acb (2017) 66 points